Voice & Data VOIP – IP Telephony
ClearWave can provide all of your landline voice service requirements. We have developed diverse carrier class voiced solutions ranging from single lines to multiple user phone systems. This can be fully integrated and presented as POT if required. Our CloudPABX is completely online in the cloud, making adding staff or moving office quick and easy. This allows multiple sites to operate as a single system providing you with unified communication. Many houses now do not have a landline due to not wanting to incur the costly line rental and monthly fees. Business also may not be able to justify the costs of having a telephone system and multiple lines coming into the building. VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) is phone that uses the internet; this service is a lot cheaper and can be set up in a way where you can choose whichever phone number you want, from whatever area you want, or keep your own. There is no line rental fee, just a monthly subscribtion and you only pay for what is used according to the plan you are on. We can set up a system in business which will be able to transfer multiple calls at once, do internal dialing and call forwarding. We are able to provide all types of hardware for this, from a standard button phone for your eldery relatives, top of the range touchscreen desk phones, to wireless wifi handsets.